(NOTE: I am sorry to everyone who reads this blog that I simply dropped off away for so many months. I was stuck in some sort of quagmire that was Austin, and I was too embarrassed or perhaps too lazy to work it out in words. In case you’re curious, in case you’d like to [...]
(WAYNESVILLE, N.C.) — So, I’m about to go run. It has been months and months since I have, but as I find my shoes and put on a raggedy shirt that I love, I already feel like a runner again. It occurs to me now that running and writing are so much the same. It’s [...]
(NEW ORLEANS, La.) — Two days ago, outside a Krystal burger joint at 1:30 a.m., I had an epiphany. I was enjoying the best part of my early morning so far — a chocolate milkshake with whipped topping the consistency of shaving cream — when I was struck with something that at first made me [...]