(Note: I wrote this hot off a breakup. I feel like, perhaps, it would be wiser and at least more political in this small town, to keep it to myself. But, oh well, here we go.)
I know it’s not attractive for someone to admit his or her hunger, but I’m not going to whitewash the [...]
(WAYNESVILLE, N.C.) — So, I’m about to go run. It has been months and months since I have, but as I find my shoes and put on a raggedy shirt that I love, I already feel like a runner again. It occurs to me now that running and writing are so much the same. It’s [...]
(ARCATA, Calif.) — I can’t believe it has been so long since I’ve written. I know explanations (at least mine) are usually boring and kind of defensive, so I’ll just give a short one. I’m on shore leave from my trip right now, visiting California and my family (I flew out from Wilmington, N.C., where [...]