(AUSTIN, Texas) — Hello again, and thank you for reading. I just got off the phone with my father, and he stated in a way that rang a little too true that I am in a morass. Part of me hates those words because they sound so final, and part of me nods my head [...]
(AUSTIN, Texas) — I can’t run away from that part of me that needs to create. Why do I want to?
I don’t know. This is what I’m contemplating as I sit alone in my trailer, my door open, the day outside getting warmer and sunnier by the minute. I shouldn’t even be here right now, [...]
(AUSTIN, Texas) — Turkey Reuben. Voodoo Blue Cheese Burger. Primadora Omelet. This is what has been on my mind during the month I haven’t been writing you.
I apologize for the long absence. It’s lame, I know, and I hope you haven’t lost patience with me. My world has simply been an exhausting series of surprises [...]
(LLANO, Texas) — As I not-so-seamlessly dive into busy, crazy-hip Austin, I keep unconsciously naming things I don’t like. It’s not that I’m trying to complain; it’s more that I’m silently announcing my standards as I learn them. It’s as though I have to lay down my own law. It turns out that I don’t [...]
(AUSTIN, Texas) — I am looking at my last post and smiling at how quickly things change. It’s amazing how, when you’re full, you can’t imagine hunger, and when you’re hungry, you can’t imagine satisfaction. Right now, I know what side I’m on.
I won’t get into it much, except to say that my financial situation [...]