Cultivated Boston, in pictures

(BALTIMORE, Md.) — Follow-through. It’s something I’m working on. You see, about a month ago, I spent one day — one short and rainy, yet sweet day in Boston. And only now am I posting the pictures. This follow-through thing is a process, I guess.

Everything went by so quickly while I was there, but I remember it vividly.

Many of the city streets were wide, wet and gray, but not drab. They were teaming with activity and life. Having lived in the desert for about two years, I’m not used to horse-drawn carriages, open air markets and cobblestones, but that’s what was in front me.  I had never thought about Boston at all before my visit, never cared about it. In my head, it had always been too far east and too full of college students for me to comprehend. But I felt like I got it a little bit on this trip. It was big and upscale and bursting with people. I liked the whiff of formality and history in the air, which was mixed with a surprising bit of friendliness.

Eric, a friend from Silver City, rode the train with me into Boston and the lovely Jerrie, a friend from Colorado, showed me around. There were a few hours in there when I was completely alone, and even that was surprisingly personable. At one point, I wandered into a Vera Wang wedding dress boutique, just to see what it would feel like to be close to so much opulence (just as a lark really, because I don’t care at all about lavish weddings). When the friendly, Israeli storekeeper kindly asked me when my wedding day was, I realized it would be much easier and less embarrassing for us both to simply pretend. I don’t like lying like that, but it made sense in the moment, and on some level it was fun to imagine that a Vera Wang wedding really was my reality. I didn’t try anything on (I didn’t want to get too Muriel’s Wedding about this thing), but there was something special about being next to so much shiny satin and lace. It was as though I was in another country, one I don’t particularly want to live in, but one with a beauty I can certainly appreciate.

In case you’re curious, I told her my faux wedding is taking place about a year-and-half from now in San Francisco. He’s a great guy, not to mention the fact that his parents are paying for the dress.

Public library. Boston.

Public library. Boston.


Looking out from the library.

Looking out from the library.


My friend, Jerrie.


It was a little strange to see hoards of tourists in a graveyard, but I could understand. I had hardly seen anything in the US as old as this cemetery, either. Many of the graves were from the 1600s.

Many people have taken a ride on this donkey, I know. But how many have done it in the rain, sober? Finally, I feel original.

Many people have taken a ride on this donkey, I know. But how many have done it in the rain, sober? Finally, I feel original.


Boston at night.

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